Erasmus Days 2019

GYMNASIO MAGOULAS KARDITSAS will present all its ERASMUS+ PROJECTS during 2018-2020 in the following event: Our #ErasmusDay Ω event is going to be the creative product of the cooperation of two schools in our Municipality (Oreokastro Thessaloniki) Gymnasio Mygdonias and 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro. Teachers, students and parents are going to be asked to step on stage and talk about the Erasmus experience from a personal point of view! This experience at first was just a temptation, a challenge but it turned out to be the best professional development opportunity for the teachers and something like an ?escape land? for the students! For parents and Parents Associations supporting our Erasmus Projects it was an inspiring element of enthusiasm and a tempting opportunity to do their best to help us all face up difficulties everyday school life has. Mini presentations, film and drama production videos, public speaking, Q and A sessions, music and songs will be some of the elements to be used in order to share and inspire others. We will welcome an external audience of the greater educational community of Northern Greece, having students, teachers, parents and stakeholders invited in our event.